Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Action Figure #284: Marvel Legends Smythe(Smythe/Peter Parker 2-Pack)

  Who uses mullets nowadays anyays?

 I had been wanting a Smythe figure for a while before he was announced. This is the Animated Series Smythe, but believe it or not... that's actually a good thing, since in the comics he's always been kinda lame.
 They pretty much went with a an almost entirely new sculpt for the guy, new legs, new forearms, new body... they went all out for such a C-tier villain! Well, at least on the comics. His head looks kinda dumb with that mullet... but it's accurate to the show! If anything, I think that the head sculpt, due to the volume added by the hair, looks a smidge too large for the body.
 Whatever Bucky Cap can do, this guy can do as well. He has a few issues turning his head due to the tendrils on his shoulders, but you can finagle it a bit and get it to turn. He's a bit taller than Bucky Cap.
 Hey! What can I say, he is a good figure! Nobody cares about the character, but I'm always open to having more villains!

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