Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Action Figure #293: Marvel Legends Songbird

  To think that she used to be a Screambird.

 But Beetle isn't the only villain that reformed after joining the Thunderbolts, y'see, Screaming Mimi rebranded herself as Songbird and she too enjoyed being a super hero. They even hooked up!
 For an older Marvel Legends female figure... the headsculpt is quite nice. It's a bit plastic-y, but the expression fits her and doesn't feel very empty. The brunt of her costume is dark blue and white, but she has some gold accessories that break the darker colors up, I dig it! She comes with two open-palm hands, which are a bit... situational, as depending on the pose, she can look really cold or really silly.
 As with other female figures, her short range on the single-jointed elbows hurt her a bit, but the rest of the body is OK.... considering she has no ab crunch outside of the ball joint on the torso. She's almost as tall as Bucky Cap.
 She's a decent figure, I actually like how she looks a lot, and she came out really well. It kinda sucks how long it took them to add double-jointed elbows to their female figures, because she could've benefited from those a lot.

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