Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Action Figure #305: Marvel Legends Rhino(Retro-Carded)

  You don't want to be on the wrong end of his horn.

 Too strong for a street level villain, but too weak to reach the big leagues, that's the story of Rhino. He's an interesting character because he can present a deadly challenge to Spider-man, but on the bigger Marvel universe he is not all that impressive.
 The guy is massive, and simple, for he is just a guy in a Rhinoceros costume. Really, he's got this tiny window on the head for his human face, and while he has five-fingered hands, his feet are more Rhino-like... so yeah, he looks silly, and has a very simple design, but they got the most that they could out of the figure considering all the texture that goes on his Rhino costume.
 A figure this massive being as articulated as Bucky Cap? Almost, the one difference is that his knees and elbows are double jointed, but that's all a figure this large really needs.
 Rhino is a very fun figure. He also comes with two alternate hands that you can use to have him hold other smaller characters, just have fun with your displays.

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