Friday, June 14, 2024

Action Figure #342: Marvel Legends Moon Knight(Vulture Armament Wave)

 He doesn't moon his enemies.

 Fun fact about Moon Knight... he got absolutely wrecked by the Human Fly. There are quite a few Moon Knight figures out there, but the version I'd like the most is the one with yellow armor bits... which hasn't been made into a figure, so the one I liked second best was this one.
 He looks really nice, although he is yet another black-and-white figure in my collection. The white armor parts, all of them, are casted in white and glued on top of the black mold. It looks really good, and assures you that he won't have any paint issues!
  Despite how the white pieces are engineered, he can do anything that Buck Cap can. Unlike Modular Iron Man, his shoulder pads don't get in the way of the shoulder hinges, so he can move his arms without any issues. He is slightly taller than the guy that beat him up, the Human Fly!
 I don't think I could've asked for more with this figure, he's a great action figure.


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