Saturday, June 15, 2024

Action Figure #363: Marvel Legends Spider-Man(Integrated Suit)

  Willem Dafoe needed his enemy after all.

 If I like one thing about the MCU is that characters change their costumes with every movie. Sure, it's done to sell more merchandise... but I like the merchandise! This is one of Peter's final looks, the Integrated Suit Spider-Man.
 He looks kinda dope. The color scheme is made up of red and grey with gold highlights on his chest, which makes him, at least to me, very visually appealing. He has these blaster-looking web-shooters on his arms too, so he is not your average Spider-Man. I don't remember much how he looked in the movie, but he's an accurate representation at least going by memory alone.
 I think this Peter shares a body with Miles Morales(PS4), and I'm not gonna complaint because that was a great buck... and the previous figure, Iron Spider, had some weird chest proportions, this one looks much more natural.
 He's a fun little figure... if a bit forgettable. The gold highlights are nice 'n' all, but... the previous Iron Spider had waldos, you can't beat waldos.... but this one does have better proportions.

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