Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Action Figure #286: Marvel Legends Superior Spider-Man

  Enter the Inferior Spider-Man!

 There were two things that brought me out of my Spider-man exile after the horrible idea that was One More Day: Scarlet Spider and Superior Spider-man. I got into figure collecting way past this guy's release, but considering how much I liked the guy... I had to get him, one way or another.
 But maybe I shouldn't have bothered. No, really, the moment I pulled him out of the box I was instantly disappointed... and this is because this figure is extremely outdated. He's on a variation of the Pizza Spidey buck, but he is much shorter, which already makes him tinier than any other Spider-Man in my collection except maybe the teenagers. His arms look super lanky, and he can't even bring them close to his sides. And, for a Superior Spider-man, he doesn't have the bracelets or the waldos on his back, so he might as well be a badly painted Miles Morales figure.
 That said, as badly proportioned as he is... he is one of the figures with the most range on his limbs that I've got. Look at how high this guy can kick! You can get him into a ton of different poses, and I'll admit, it's pretty cool.... but on the flip side, look at how short he is. He looks out of scale with every other Marvel Legends figure.
 This is one of the action figures that has disappointed me the most, in fact, it's probably the Marvel Legends that has disappointed me the most. And the thing is, he is not a bad figure, he simply is outdated. Luckily, we are getting a new one this year.

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