Saturday, June 15, 2024

Action Figure #360: Marvel Legends Carnage(Monster Venom Wave)

  He used to be able to travel on telephone lines.

 We got up to figure #359 without covering Carnage?! The heresy! He was introduced about 100 issues after Venom, and while he is smaller, he is stronger than his father! Much like Venom, and unlike the other Symbiotes, Carnage went on to become another fan favorite.
 He's on the Bucky Cap mold, which... honestly, considering it's among the smaller bucks, it's just fine for him. He's supposed to be smaller than Venom, so it helps to make him seem more compact. That said, the red they used has an almost metallic sheen to it, almost. The sculpt has a few tendrils glued on that look very nice, and the splotches of black around his body look great. I love the blade-hand he comes with, although it's a bit too heavy for its own hinge!
 While size-wise it works, it would've been nice to get butterfly joints on this guy. That aside, he's good on this front as well.
 This Carnage figure is really good, but this year saw a couple of new Carnages release that I think are probably better than this good ol' boy. I wouldn't have minded the retro-carded one, but.... another stupid Target Exclusive. No thank you.

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