Friday, June 14, 2024

Action Figure #341: Marvel Legends Power Princess

  Modders' number #1 figure for Wonder Woman customs!

 Among the Void wave's new figures, Power Princess was probably the most hyped. And for most people, she delivered! She also sold out a lot because a ton of modders were buying her to turn her into Wonder Woman.
 Well... this new buck is absolutely glorious. She's very tall and muscular, even has veins sculpted on her arms, and she looks pretty darn good. Heck, her face looks like Alexandria Daddario, you cheeky sculptors, you! But... At least my figure feels very gummy. The arms just want to get out of the sockets when I move them, the legs feel a bit wobbly when posing her.... I think I'm the only one with these issues, but still. Oh, and the Shield pegs? Even worse than usual, because this one only has the half-circle holder, without the peg, and... while I posed her the holder broke. At least I can use her hand to hold onto the remaining piece of the holder! Issues aside, I really like the black and gold color palette she has.
 DOUBLE. JOINTED. ELBOWS. YEAH! She's one of the few female Marvel Legends that can somewhat match some of the male heroes in articulation. Despite the gummy limbs, playing around with her is a lot of fun, even her boots have swivels, so there's a lot to play with. Her feet have pseudo-heels that also don't help with the balance, but thankfully, aren't as bad as THE heels. She's taller than Bucky Cap.
 I wish my figure hadn't been so gummy, because both sculpt AND articulation are top notch with this figure. Hasbro's new buck is great and I hope it gets more uses... and better plastic.

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