Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Action Figure #290: Marvel Legends Modular Iron Man

  Just 90's VS goodness.

 And now, Iron Man as I discovered him, Modular Iron Man. This is the armor he wore in Iron Man TAS, so this is how I was introduced to the character, and this is also how he looked in the VS games, so I have a soft spot for this version of the tin head.
 The sculpt is just perfect, the guy looks very beefy, which is pure 90's beefcake and exactly how Capcom drew his sprite. The figure has every single detail you'd want, and he looks great. And in case you don't like your Iron Man metallic, there's an alternate bright Red and Yellow version of this very same figure. I like this metallic colors, however.
 Sadly, this figure falters in the articulation. Look, the figure works just like Bucky Cap, and 90% of the figure works great... But the shoulders are TOO large for the sockets, so you need to raise his hands upwards, so that the large, red part of the should is pointing downwards, and then push outside if you want to move his arms to the side. The right arm seems to have it worse, and the red part is already a bit bent from me trying to move the arm. It kinda sucks, honestly. He is slightly larger tha Bucky Cap, which works great.
 This is a mostly great figure, I mean, it's not like he can't raise his arms, you just have to finesse it.

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