Thursday, June 13, 2024

Action Figure #313: Marvel Legends Colossus(WarlockWave)

 Turns his skin back to flesh and suddenly he loses weight. Not fair.

 While I watched X-Men TAS, I wouldn't say that Colossus left a big impression on me. It wasn't until I got an action figure of him that I started to actually like him!
 This guy shares the same buck as Ronan, although Colossus came out first, so arms, legs, boots, gauntlets... everything, Colossus did it first. But he has no pauldrons! I think this buck works great on him, he's very large, and beefy, and while this figure came from the era when Hasbro thought that yellow was orange... he still looks really good, overall. There's a more updated Colossus out there, with a shinier silver skin, but I like him better with pants over trunks.
 He's got as much articulation as Bucky Cap, which is fantastic, and none of the hindrances that Ronan has. Well, maybe the gauntlets that you must force a bit to spin his hands in certain ways.
 Colossus is a great figure, great buck, great articulation, faithful to the comic books... Now, if only the had used yellow instead of orange...

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