Friday, June 14, 2024

Action Figure #340: Marvel Legends Hydra Supreme(Hydra Supreme/Arnim Zola 2-Pack)

  No, not another Zola two-pack!

 But don't fret, there won't be another Zola entry, as I bought Hydra Supreme loose and by himself. I really didn't care about Zola... at the time. How much did I know about Hydra Supreme before buying him? Nothing! I just thought he looked cool.
 He's a Civic Warrior reuse, but I bought this one first. I really like the gold and green color scheme, and his shield is very different from Civic's. And outside of the color scheme, I think the armored sculpt is really amazing, I love adding this guy to any display. I've neglected to speak about the awful, awful pegs Hasbro uses for these shields. They are so bad that this one broke on me, so I had to use a ziptie to make a make-shift handle for it. There are ton of horror stories about these horrid pegs online.
 Same articulation as Civic Warrior AND Bucky Capa, slightly taller than Bucky Cap.
 Shield aside, I feel like this is a great figure thanks to the color scheme and how great the sculpt looks. It looks much better than the boring Civil Warrior's red, blue and silver, which goes to show just how much of a difference the paintjob can do.

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