Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Action Figure #295: Marvel Legends Polaris(Havok/Polaris 2-Pack)

 Daddy's favorite.
 Among Magneto's offsprings, only one of them inherited his mutant power: Polaris. Her story in the comics is super convoluted, but her 90's outfit was definitely my favorite!
 I really like how this girl looks. You can tell that her torso had some sculpting done to add shoulder pads, and she also gets straps on her forearms and ankles... which also stand loose, just like Havok and Cyclops, but at least in her case they tend to stay much more firmly on her limbs. Her hair if fabulous, has a ton of volume and detail, and is painted with two different tones of green.
 Articulation wise... usual female super heroine Hasbro affair. She's almost as tall as Bucky Cap.
 I really like this figure, although she's more fun to pose around with effect pieces.

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