Thursday, June 13, 2024

Action Figure #315: Marvel Legends Quicksilver(Infinity Saga)

  Maybe this time he'll see it coming.

 Would you believe that this is the only Quicksilver figure that I own? The only other figures are either the very old and outdated Toybiz figures... or the one by Hasbro that was part of a 3-Pack.
 While his costume looked a bit 'eh' in the movie, I think this guy looks much better in plastic form. As per usual with MCU figures, there's a lot of texturing on his clothes, which is pretty cool. The paintjob on the figure is pretty nice, so he looks pretty good alongside other figures... although it's better if you don't pair him up with comic book heroes.
 He matches the Bucky Cap mold in articulation, except that his ab crunch rests on a ball joint rather than a hinge. Doesn't have as much range, but it gets the job done. He is every so slightly taller than Bucky Cap.
 While he only had a single role in the MCU, while his costume is kinda forgettable... he is a fun figure to pose and play with.

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