Thursday, June 13, 2024

Action Figure #311: Marvel Legends Typhoid Mary

  Don't let her into the kitchen!

 Besides the real-life person, I had to idea of who Typhoid Mary was, but she came with a piece of Monster Venom, she was cheap and she looked interesting. Not so long after she' appear in a few issues of Spider-man, as I was reading it, and then she even rocked this look in a crossover with Iron Fist!
 And yes, she looks great. The jacket is unique to her I think, and he has this detailed corset-like top that also looks great on her. She looks like a badass bike riding baddie.
 But as good as she looks, she is still a Hasbro female Marvel Legends... no waist swivel, a ball joint on the chest that doesn't spin 360 degrees, which I think has to do with how they sculpted her top, and, to top it all off, her elbow have practically no range, she's as bad as Black Cat in that regard.
 Another fantastic female figure hampered by subpar articulation. I really hope Hasbro starts retiring some of these molds. I still like this figure a lot, mind you, but... she could've been so much better.

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