Thursday, June 13, 2024

Action Figure #312: Marvel Legends Emma Frost(Ch'od Wave)

 Before you ask, no, she cannot freeze things.
 Emma Frost is one of my favorite female characters in Marvel, and she and Cyclops are probably my favorite couple in Marvel too... so of course they had to break them up to make room for Jean. Jean should stay dead. I hate Marvel.
 There's a lot to like in this figure. The headsculpt is not perfect, but it does feel like Emma, and I dig the blue lipstick. The white outfit looks fantastic, and I love the sculpt on her top. I happen to really like how this figure looks.
 ...but... for starters, she has THOSE heels. yeah, those tiny stiletto heels that makes figures who use them a nightmare to stand. This is one of those figures. But even worse, she came with a hard-rubber cape that made her arms 100% useless, to the point that she was pretty much a statue. I had to cut the rubber cape and make my own cloth cape so that she could actually move her arms and turn her into a proper action figure. This was my first time sewing a cape for a figure, and it came out mediocre, but I'm happy with it. 
 This is... not a good figure. You shouldn't need to completely fix the cape in order to make her decent, and these heels need to be retired pronto.

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