Saturday, June 15, 2024

Action Figure #359: Marvel Legends Spider-Man(Ben Reilly)

  Maybe YOU were the clone!

 I read Spider-Man's clone saga last year, and lemme tell you, it wasn't half as bad as they say, and plus, they even introduced fan favorites Ben Reilly and Kaine. This figure comes from a very brief time in which Peter lost his powers and believed himself to be the clone, so he became a supporting character to good ol' Ben, and when he took over the role of Spider-Man he brought along a new costume.
 Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell... I didn't like this figure half as much as I hoped I would. More than a few times I mentioned how I didn't like a character, but I liked the figure, like with Chasm. This is the other way around. I can name a few reasons, due to the joints in his torso, and how the different pieces are separated, I think they break up his chest design in unflattering ways. I also think the blue they chose is too purple-ish, so it doesn't look quite right. The eyes on the mask should've been larger too... all in all, there's something that puts me off about him.
 He rocks the same buck as Symbiote Spider-man, so he gets the waist hinge and the ball-jointed torso, which adds up to a lot of poseability. He is as tall as Bucky Cap.
 Yeah... I don't think I liked this figure very much. I mean, his articulation is great and everything, and he is fun to play with, but... I dunno, man.

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