Thursday, June 13, 2024

Action Figure #309: Marvel Legends Clea

  Thanks to her hands you can have her displayed at a rock concert.

 I could pretend to know anything else about Clea besides her being a sorceress and Dr. Strange's love interest... but I really don't, I just thought that she was a really cool figure.
 I mean, look at her design and tell me that she doesn't look great! Her head sculpt, while having a very neutral expression, also looks really nice, she's a sorceress, she is casting, looks appropriate on her.
 Sadly... while this is a good looking figure, and a very recent female Marvel Legends... she has those single-jointed elbows that have absolutely no range on them, so the poses she can hit with her arms are very few. It sucks, because she's such a good looking figure, and by the end of 2023 those arms should've been retired.
 Clea is another one of those Marvel Legends that have a great look to them, but the articulation should've been better. I'm assuming that her abilities are close to Dr. Strange's, so she should be able to have her arms all over the place, not unable to even hit a 90 degree angle with between her forearms and her arms!

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