Saturday, June 15, 2024

Action Figure #366: Loose Collector/Executive Replicas Vampirella

  Kinky vampires? Sign me up!

 I've been doing so much Marvel Legends lately... let's start with something different with Vampirella! I don't know how I know who she is, all I know is that one day she simply was part of my pop cultural knowledge... and as such, and seeing how she's sort of a pulp-comic icon... I had to get her figure!
 The sculpt of the figure is actually kinda pervy, but that's the design's fault... although she's worn a bit more fabric at times! The sculpt is really good, I mean, considering there's only so much detail you can cram on a barely naked figure. She comes with an alternate head, knives, a few pair of hands and a bat companion. I love how this figure feels in your hands, much like The Rocketeer, she feels way more solid than a Marvel Legends figure.
 The articulation is fairly decent. She has ball jointed hips, swivels on the thighs and double jointed knees. On her torso, she only gets a ball-jointed torso, but it works very well. While she has single-jointed elbows they have much more range than Marvel Legends, so she can hit cool poses, and her bracelets hide swivels on her arms. The figure is a bit hard to stand when you use the cape, but, if you use the cape you can use it to help her stand, so be practical about it! My one complaint is that her heels feel a bit stiff, but also, a bit fragile. I should try some oil some time. She's a bit taller than Bucky Cap, which works for me, she's a vampire badass, let her stand tall over the Bucky Caps of the world.
 Much like Betty and the Rocketeer, she has that weird block-piece on her crotch! But it's much less noticeable in her.
 Be careful when moving her head, as the hair stands a bit loose on it, so you could accidentally 'elongate' her head by having the hair-piece stay a bit looser on the head than it could. Oh, and bald Vampirella is the stuff of nightmares.
 The bat accessory is meant to wrap it's circular handle over one of Vampirella's fingers, but I found another way to use it... wrap it around the peg of her hand! I think it looks great that way. I only discovered the finger thingie after looking at promotional images of Black-suit Vampirella. No spoilers, I don't need another Vampirella!
 She's a bit too naked for my tastes BUT she's a fantastic action figure. Loose Collector/Executive Replicas might be a tad expensive, but between her and Rocketeer... their figures are really good, and while I had a bad experience with Betty, their main figures have been nothing but knockouts.

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