Saturday, June 15, 2024

Action Figure #368: Marvel Legends Hallow's Eve

  The perfect figure for Halloween.

 I didn't know who Hallow's Eve was so I had to google her. Hm, her civilian name sounded familiar... Turns out Marvel wasn't just happy ruining Ben, they also had to ruin his love interest from that mini-series exploring his past! Now she's a villain that puts on masks to gain powers... why?
 Origins aside, at the end of the day what I want is a great action figure, and... I love the color scheme on this girl. It's Halloween in female action figure form! The expression on her face is absolutely evil, I love it. She comes with a few masks... but they are just for holding, as she can't wear them. One thing I think they didn't quite get right... is the hair. A quick google search, as well as the artwork on the side of the figure, will show you that her hair should be a bit darker than her clothes, but the difference in the figure itself is barely noticeable.

 As for the buck itself, it's the Shriek mold, which gets her pinless joints. She's also wearing a hood that you could probably take off with some finicking around. She also wears Green Goblin's sash, and a sort of scarf thingie around her neck. I really like the overall look.
 On the articulation-side of things... It's the usual, none of her accessories prevent her from doing anything this buck can do.
 A tiny gripe I have is that her scarf isn't secured on her neck. While the hood does create some friction with it, so I haven't had it fall off from her shoulders, I still would've liked something a bit more secure, maybe have it glued onto the hood istelf as a single accessory?
 Hallow's Eve might not be a character I will ever like considering how they ruined such an old character... but I like the figure. Being a huge Halloween lover might have something to do with it, however!

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