Thursday, June 13, 2024

Action Figure #331: Marvel Legends Spider-Woman(Molten Man)

  The one whose costume Peter ripped off to make his Black Suit.

 I think... I think I discovered this Spider-Woman before Jessica, as I'm pretty sure I watched Iron Man TAS way before I came across the Spider-Woman TV Show. Regardless, I also love this other Spider-Woman but for different reasons.
 Just from the outset, something that I really like about her is that her build is not as muscular as Jessica's, so when you stand them together they are not simple repaints of each other. The black and white costume came out looking great, and so did the headsculpt... although I would have made the hair brighter, not only because of Iron Man TAS, but I remember reading the Force Works comic and her hair was bright orange there as well.
 On the articulation side of things... y'know the deal, standard Hasbro Female Super hero, it's enough, but could be and should be better.
 A new version of her came out... as part of a five pack. Honestly, I wouldn't mind owning her, but for the moment being, this one is just fine.

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