Friday, June 14, 2024

Action Figure #344: Marvel Legends Scream

  No need to scream anymore, the final Life Foundation Symbiote is here.

 While Scream is not my favorite among the Life Foundation symbiotes, I'd call her the most important, and probably, the strongest. In a way, the five-issue run was centered around her, after all!
 And... let's just say that she could've been better. She's painted in a somewhat metallic yellow, just a smidge lighter than Phage. If anything, Phage is the one they got wrong since he was a bit more orangey while Scream was yellow. she also has some brown markings on the inner parts of her body. The hair was done really nicely, but... she has no neck. No, really, look at her from the front, she looks kinda silly!
 Her articulation is what you'd expect, but what you have to keep in mind is that her hair makes her very top heavy, which can make her a hard figure to stand. She should be as tall as Bucky Cap... but since she has no neck...
 If they had to get one of the symbiotes right it had to be Scream, and yet they missed the landing. by a few inches I mean, it works, she looks like Scream, she'll work in your displays, but... they only had to give her a neck!

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