Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Action Figure #381: Marvel Legends Jack O' Lantern

 Halloween can't come soon enough, best moment to display this guy!
 And the last figure from my little haul, Jack O' Lantern. Not a huge fan of this classic design, but the other Jack O' figure had ball-jointed legs, and those are not worth the hassle. Besides, I used to come across Jack O's vintage action figure a lot when I was younger, I'm sure some of my friends owned it. Plus, this would be Jason Macendale's version of Jack O', who'd eventually become one of the many Hobgoblins!
 Looks-wise... just look at the guy! He has Vulcan's arms and Cap's beefy legs, and even better, he has a scaly torso with butterfly joints painted in a metallic green that looks great. The Pumpkin head seems to have some sort of wash that makes it look really nice, and the translucent fire effect is just the cherry on top. He comes with two sets of hands, fists and grabby hands so that he can grab his bomb. He has 5 bombs permanently attached to his belt, but the sixth can be taken of so that he can grab it, pretty cool! He also comes with his glider. While I'm not a huge fan of the look, I'll be the first to say that he looks really cool.
 The articulation matches the Vulcan sculpt. His belt gets a bit warped when using the waist swivel, however.
 The huge, BIG issue with the figure.... is that his arms are as gummy as Avalanche's, and the sockets seem to be just as large, so the peg is constantly being stressed. I reinforced the pegs with super glue and now they don't get stressed as much, so... I'm a bit more relaxed when it comes to playing with the guy.
 This figure could've easily being amazing. The sculpt is great, the paint is great, the accessories are great, how the bomb and the belt work is great... but these gummy arms are not acceptable. This could've been a standout fig, but not like this.

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