Saturday, June 15, 2024

Action Figure #357: Marvel Legends Miles Morales

  Spiders can generate electricity now? Must be an Australian breed.

 Oh, boy, getting the right Miles Morales was tough. As incredible as the Spider-verse movies are... the figures are a bit more stylized, with sinner limbs and what not, and the comic-book accurate one looked kinda... weird, like, a bit too small? But then I found it... The Gamerverse Miles Morales!
 I liked this figure because, while it has a bit of texturing, it's not as notorious as the one from the MCU figures, and the design itself is pretty much identical to comic book Miles BUT with a more muted red. His proportions are much better, he even comes with electric hands AND butterfly joints, and not to mentioned, the unmasked head. Doesn't matter how you cut it, I think that this is the best Miles Morales around. There's a new PS5 Miles figure, but his design is a bit different from comic book Miles, so... this Miles remains MY Miles!
 Articulation wise he matches Bucky Cap but with butterfly joints. As is to be expected, he is shorter than Bucky Cap.
 This figure ticks almost every box that considered important in a Miles Morales figure. The only thing I would've changed would be to make the red brighter, but that aside, I think this is the best one you could get right now. That said, I hope comic Miles gets a new figure with his new sword!

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