Thursday, June 13, 2024

Action Figure #318: Marvel Legends Scorpion(Retro Carded)

  Move like a butterfly, sting like a Scorpion.

 Upon my Spider-man reading there was a character I didn't expect to like so much, but something bout Mac Gargan AKA The Scorpion just seemed so appealing. He was engineered by J. J. Jameson to be like Spider-man but stronger, and then his story became more tragic, heck, one time he just wanted to stop being a baddie and Spidey was having a bad day... and it didn't end very nicely for Mac.
 I picked this Scorpion because I thought the flesh tone chin looked better than how he looked in the comics.... but, BUT, after reading so many comics I got used to him just having his mouth OVER the mask, so now I kinda wish I got the comic book accurate Scorpion! That aside, he looks exactly the same as the comic accurate version, but with a lighter shade of green on the brunt of his body. And I think he looks absolutely fantastic, exactly how I'd expect Scorpion to look.
 Articulation-wise, he is exactly like Bucky Cap, but with a ball-jointed torso instead of a hinge. He has enough range on all his limbs to have him threaten any hero. His tail is made up of a bendy wire, so you can play around with it. 
 I like him. I've grown to resent not having opted for the comic accurate Scorpion, but the esculpt is practically the same, so I can live with it.

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