Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Action Figure #374: DC Universe Classics Power Girl

  The power of the cleavage window.

 Talk about infamous! Power Girl is complicated, her story is almost as convoluted as Super Girl's, so I won't even try. But she's infamous because an artist one time would increase her bust size with every new issue to see if the editors would notice! Her design is also a bit... egregious, so some writers have tried to give her cleave some sort of significance, but it hasn't worked.
 She's built on the same adult female figure as the rest of the DC Universe classics, but she gets some unique of sculpting of her, like the, em, enlarged bust size and her boots and gloves. She has a unique cape piece that looks really good on her. I think the figure as a whole looks really nice, the color scheme works on her. That said, as with the other female figures, her arms are just too thing for a super heroine, particularly Power Girl. Where's the power?
 Articulation is the usual for these figures. Outdated? Yes. Serviceable? Definitely. She's almost as tall as the Bucky Cap mold.
 She's a good figure, I think she might be among my favorite DCUC female figures... not that I own all that many of those!

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