Friday, June 14, 2024

Action Figure #336: Marvel Legends Emma Frost(Amazon Exclusive

  Now in black.

 While Emma Frost looks great in white... Her black renegade outfit, matching Cyclops' black costume, was badass as well. This was my first Emma Frost figure!
 Well, she looks great. She also comes with two different heads, but while the long-haired one would be more accurate... what can I say, I love her shorter bob. Black on Emma is a huge departure from all her all-white costumes, but for this storyline it looked great on her. And they captured it perfectly, this figure goes really well with Renegade Cyclops and Magik. And just put White Magneto at the back.
 Articulation is the usual for female figures. What is worth noting is that she has THE heels, but the coattails at her back can help you get her into standing poses, so getting her to stand is not that hard.
 I really like this look on Emma, and between the face and the look... I prefer this figure over my other Emma, plus, I didn't have to fix this one.

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