Thursday, June 13, 2024

Action Figure #329: Marvel Legends Mar-Vell

  Ah! I see what you did there Disney, not calling him by his real name: Captain Marvel!

 Mar-Vell was the original Captain Marvel, way before Monica Rambou, wayyy before his own, and definitely, before Carol Danvers. But he is more well known for his death than his life, as he died of cancer, and it was such an iconic storyline that he was never resurrected. But, y'know, not even Norman Osborn's death was sacred, so I'd just give it time. 
 The guy is painted with a very dark red and a metallic blue. I think it's a better blue than the one they used with Carol, BUT she had a better red hue... so between both of them you could get the perfect color scheme! I also feel like his hair should've been brighter rather than this dirty yellow. Outside the headsculpt and the loose bracelets, he is nothing more than a Spider-Man UK buck reuse.
 He has as much articulation as Bucky Cap, and he is slightly taller than him.
 He is an alright figure, beside picking better colors for him, there's not much else they could've gotten out of the character.

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