Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Action Figure #287: Marvel Legends Iron Man(Heroes Reborn)

  I dig this design, I do, sue me and my 90's origins.

 The moment I heard that Iron Man, in his Heroes Reborn armor, had an action figure I just had to get him.... and yes, this is an older figure, so I thought I was ready for what I was going to get.
 I was wrong. I mean... look at his tiny head and large feet! At least the guy does look like he looked in the comic book, so I'll give him that. The gold they used for his paint is very pretty too, although I would've gone with a redder red.
 Articulation is as dated as you'd expect. Single jointed elbows, and the horrible, terrible ball-jointed legs that you have to spin and spin in order to get a decent standing pose out of them. Even the feet, which rest on hinges, don't have pivots. He is as tall as the Bucky Cap Mold, but the head should've been a touch larger. 
 This Iron Man figure... needs an update, badly. Not as badly as Superior Spider-man, but still.

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