Thursday, June 13, 2024

Action Figure #330: Marvel Legends Erik Killmonger(Everett/Killmonger 2-pack)

  My favorite type of kitty, the one that is yellow!

 No, I do not own the 2-pack, you think I care about this Everett guy? Oh, no, I wanted this Erik Killmonger figure! I had been eyeing this figure for a very, very long while, he was one of the figures I wanted the most and convinced me to start collecting figures.
 I mean, I've mentioned I liked Black Panther's design, right? Now add gold accents to it... Voila! You've got the perfect Black Panther-like figure for me! And take away the color scheme that I like so much... he is a very good looking figure, it's a MCU figure, so he has a lot of texturing all over his costume too.
 The articulation is top notch, the guy can do everything Bucky Cap can with the addition of butterfly joints on his shoulders, which are pretty much a necessity on agile characters like him to reach their full potential. He's as tall as Bucky Cap.
 I don't know if I made it clear enough, but I love this figure. I even pose him next to my comic book heroes, he passes well enough.

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