Thursday, June 13, 2024

Action Figure #327: Marvel Legends Sabretooth(Bonebreaker wave)

 Oh, look! The guy Black Cat did short work of!

 Ah yes, remember early Sabretooth? He used to fight Iron Fist, and got his butt whooped by Black Cat... and then character development happened.
 This guy is classic Sabretooth... but not as you remember him.... you see, he looks a lot like classic Sabretooth, but his original design had brown boots and gloves, neither his fingers nor his toes were out. The hair, too, classic Sabretooth hair used to be wilder, and it should be a brighter shade of yellow, heck, his fur should be more yellow. That said, despite the inaccuracies...  I kinda dig this figure. I mean, look at the mean, savage expression on his face! This guy looks vicious, so I kinda like displaying him.
 He is on the Grim Reaper mold, so you know what to expect. This also makes him shorter than 90's Sabretooth.
 Is he faithful to the source material? Somewhat. But I like him as an action figure nonetheless.

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