Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Action Figure #376: Marvel Legends Venom (Venom Space Knight 2-Pack)

 It's out of this planet.

 So, technically, Venom is a cosmic character. He's operated on the Earth, most of the time, but he comes from outer space, making him a Cosmic character. So, Flash Thompson, at some pointed joined Guardians of the Galaxy... and afterwards, he became Venom Space Knight. He was cooler as Agent Venom tho.
 What can I say? This is definitely a rather unique look for Venom. Agent Venom was a militarized take on Venom, but you could still see him as Venom, this look however... nothing screams Venom about it to me. If I didn't know it was Venom, I wouldn't be able to tell, so... yeah, not a fan of this look. What I will say is that the sculpt itself is very nice, although the figure feels a lighter than he looks, I mean, the new Tombstone feels like a much more solid figure, and he is much smaller! He comes with two tendril accessories for his arms, as well as an alternate head, these two didn't come with the original BAF release, so they are welcome.
 Articulation-wise he covers all the Marvel Legends basics, so he has a lot of poseability. He is much taller than Bucky Cap.
 The one issue I have is with the right tendril, and yes, it IS the right tendril because this one has a very ugly looking gap below. Was it done to make it cheaper or was it done to make it lighter? I don't know, but it looks ugly, and limits how high he can raise his arm while equipping it without looking awful.
 I don't care about the look, at all, but in case that you do... he is as good as Marvel Legends get, so how much fun you have with the figure is directly related to how much you like this design. The right tendril accessory should've been better tho.

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