Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Action Figure #294: Marvel Legends Havok(Havok/Polaris 2-Pack)

  I have like six different Cyclops, it's only fair that I have like three different versions of his brother.

 I promise, this is the last Havok on my collection... for now, anyways, the guy has had some dope costumes throughout his run!
 So, on the outside, while built on the Buck-Cap mold, the jacket and the arms are completely different, and he looks really good, much better than Nate. It's still not flawless, the transition from hand to forearm is very jarring, like he is missing wrists. Another issue is that much like the first 90's Cyclops figure, the straps hang loose on his leg, and they will fall down. Nothing glue can't fix, but you have to mind the swivel.
 Articulation is exactly like Bucky's, although the jack does prevent the hinges on the shoulders to reach the full extent of the articulation, but only a little bit. He is as tall as Bucky Cap.
 This Havok figure is really good, but if Hasbro ever decides to redo him, with better arms and the straps being fixed to the legs, I wouldn't mind double dipping.

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