Saturday, June 15, 2024

Action Figure #358: Marvel Legends Captain America(Infinity Saga)

  For those that want a Chris Evans action figure.

 Alright, so, it's true, I don't like Captain America, and no, I haven't seen a single Captain America movie, however, I've seen clips, and I've always thought that his Winter Soldier costume was amazing, now, if only there was an action figure using that costume...
 And there was! He honestly looks amazing, I love how this costume looks, and he has all the details MCU figures tend to get. And even better, he comes with an alternate Chris Evans head sculpt and it looks exactly like him! This just might be the best head sculpt I've seen from Hasbro. But the real best part about this figure? He holds this shield via two straps that go over his arm, no awful, fragile pegs here!
 He matches Bucky Cap in articulation, and is just as tall.
 This might be the best Captain America figure out there. Yes, even better than comic book cap, and yes, I think he looks better than the comic book counterpart figure 'Captain Rogers', something about that other figure's headsculpt just rubs me the wrong way.

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