Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Action Figure #291: Marvel Legends War Machine

  It's Mahvel baby!

 When I was younger I actually used to prefer War Machine to Iron Man, what can I say, the idea behind a bigger and slower, but with more fire power Iron sounded so cool. He also took Iron Man's place in Marvel VS Capcom, the VS game I used to play the most when I was younger.
 This guy has the same exact mold and look as the previous Iron Man figure, but in a beautiful metallic grey and metallic black. His Arc reactor is white, which looks... off. There's no reason as to why it's white and not metallic grey like the rest of his body, but it seems like every figure shipped like this... This guy also came with a few cool effect pieces reminiscent of his MvsC abilities.
 The good and bad about the articulation is exactly the same as with Iron Man, even the right arm is more troublesome than the left, just like Iron Man!
 I like this guy as much as the Iron Man figure... even though War Machine never actually looked like this outside MvC! And while I want a more classic War Machine at some point, in the mean time, this one gets the job done.

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