Saturday, June 15, 2024

Action Figure #369: Figma #256 Hero

  Oh god, I'm relieving the catchy fight music1

 For a long, long while Persona 4 was my favorite game of all time until I cycled back to Final Fantasy VII. I still love the game however, so of course I wouldn't mind having a figure of Yu Narukami, AKA, the Hero. This figure is actually based on Persona 4 Ultimax Arena, in which he was given a name, so why they called him 'Hero' over Yu is beyond me!
 Look at this bombastic guy! His jacket was molded as if it was flowing in the wind, and his shirt is unbuttoned just enough to show some skin, which makes him look very stylish however you decide to pose him. As with most of the Figmas I own, the sculpt is fantastic, and he comes with a fair amount of accessories, even DLC for their AEGIS figure, being a couple of joined hands so that she can suplex him, like the back of the box shows!

 As with other Figmas, he feels very nice to the touch. The back of his legs look a bit weird due to the ball joints, but I don't mind. The one BIG issue I have with him is that he can't hold his Katana very well, it will always fall down if you're not careful.
 The articulation is alright. He's got ball jointed legs and arms, and he's got a ball-jointed waist. There's no ab-crunch whatsoever. Figma's trademarked ball jointed elbows and knees work as good as if they were double jointed, and technically, they are! Since the ball-joints have to pegs. There are no butterfly joints in the figure, so even though his ball-jointed arms have a lot of range, some double-handed poses will be impossible.
 He has toe articulation, but... that's as high as it can go, so it might as well not even be there.
 See that line on the side of his torso? The figure is admittedly a bit gappy if you look to closely, so don't! Below the jacket are holes, so don't try to force it too much.
 Another issue I had with the articulation is that that's as high as his head can look. The head is connected to the neck via a ball joint, and it seems to be able to move, but either mine is stuck, and I don't want to force it, or the head doesn't allow it to go back anymore.
 I think this might be the worst figma I own, in-between the neck joint and the Katana... but he is still a very good figure, he looks very stylish and looks good no matter how I pose him.

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