Thursday, June 13, 2024

Action Figure #310: Marvel Legends Gorr(Thor Love and Thunder)

  He is Batman.

 I didn't watch the movie, the last MCU movie I watched was Thor Ragnarok... actually, either Guardians of the Galaxy 3 or Spider-man No Way Home, but that's because I liked those characters, and I only got around watching those last year! Buuuuuuut, I thought that this Gorr guy looked so menacing, unlike his comic book counterpart, so I just had to add him into my collection.
 The overall design is super simple, a grey-skinned bald guy with white robes. Even looking at him, he's pretty much just a white rectangle... and yet, and yet...! He looks so creepy. They nailed Christian Bale's likeness so well, but something about his expression, or the little things, such as the black fingertips, or the scar... he looks creepy, and I love it.
 He is as articulated as he could be. The limbs have double jointed elbows and knees, and he has swivels on both. But for torso articulation, he only has a single ball-jointed waist, which works for him... but his long robes do get in the way of his legs. As a matter of fact, the robes have started tearing on both sides due to the stress on the plastic from me posing him around. He is slightly taller than Bucky Cap.
 He's a decent figure, very creepy, which works great on my displays.

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