Thursday, June 13, 2024

Action Figure #308: Marvel Legends Living Laser


 When it comes to Living Laser I know the bare minimum. He probably appeared in one or two Marvel Team up issues, but I saw him in Iron Man TAS as well as a comic book in which MODOK had a team of baddies.
 He was made on the Sunfire Mold, which is probably better than he deserves, in translucent neon pink that... that actually looks really good! He has white paint on his chest and arms to simulate energy, which looks nice, and his headsculpt is completely original. He is a weird looking guy, but I like him.
 I mean... Sunfire Mold, the articulation is great. That said... his neck and head are one piece and he can't turn it, so there's that. And despite his stretched out neck, he is still only as tall as the Bucky Cap buck.
 I like the guy, he looks unlike most of my other Marvel Legends, and I love the translucent neon pink he is casted in.

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