Thursday, June 13, 2024

Action Figure #323: Marvel Legends Kate Bishop(Ultron Wave)

  I wonder if she can sing...

 I mentioned how there was this little Hawkeye comic in which both Clint and Kate Bishop had their adventures, right? I loved that comic book, and it made me fall in love with Kate, sadly, I arrived late to this whole action figure collecting thing, and getting the comic-book accurate Kate was a bit out of the question... so MCU it is!
 For starters, she looks nothing, and I do mean NOTHING like Hailee Steinfeld. I've never seen the show, so I don't know how accurate the costume is, but as per usual with MCU figures, they did a lot of texturing on her which looks pretty nice. And even though she doesn't look like the actress, the head sculpt is still pretty good. I like how pinkish the purple on her coat is, and I like the grey and purple color scheme as a whole. Her body looks relatively thick when compared with other female figures, but not in a muscular way, and I like that, makes her stand out from the other lasses.
 Wait... wait... are those... double jointed elbows AND butterfly joints on a FEMALE figure? Hasbro, Hasbro... why isn't this kind of articulation on the more important comic-book figures?! But, hell yeah! I really like how this girl can move! She's a touch shorter than Bucky.
 It may not be comic book accurate, she may not look like the actress that plays her... but I love this figure, so I don't mind having her as my Kate.... until the comic book version gets a rerelease!

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