Friday, June 14, 2024

Action Figure #348: Marvel Legends Scarlet Witch(Retro-Carded)

  So she can only dress in red?

 Sometimes an Avenger, sometimes an X-Man, no, I am not talking about Beast, but rather, about Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch. I think that in the last couple of years Marvel has retconned her to make her no longer Magneto's daughter... but in my house we don't read stupid retcons, so I'm just gonna ignore that.
 LOOK AT HER! She looks glorious. It's a very classic look for her, although thankfully not as classic as her original look with the mask-like-head-piece-that-also-went-under-her-chin-like-what-were-they-thinking. That said, did you notice her blocky knees? DO you know what that means? It's that mold. Oh yes, I've talked about the 'Scarlet Witch buck', well, here she is. And yes, her knees are terrible, but.... She has a very solid cape, and you can use it to get her to stand!
 Articulation is the usual standard fare, with little range on her single-jointed elbows. It is what it is.
 This might be the best application of this buck because the cape can help her stand when her knees can't. That issue aside, the sculpt is very beautiful, and she's a very good looking figure... just use her cape to your advantage and you'll be golden.

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