Friday, June 14, 2024

Action Figure #345: Marvel Legends Malekith(Cull Obsidian Wave)

  So... Marvel's Two-Face?

 Well, I did mention that I had a lot of Thor villains, right? This is Malekith, and yes, he looks nothing like he does in the MCU. But I dig this look! He had a small episode in Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes, but aside from that and the mini-series in which Uruguay was mentioned... I know little about him.
 He looks great, the expression on his face is pure evil, and he pulls off the half-a-color-half-another look surprisingly well, he doesn't look as cheesy or as silly as it could. I think his hair should've been a bit longer, but it's fine, and the very, very light shade of yellow suits him perfectly fine. I also love the blade he came packaged with, as it looks as it'd be very painful to be standing on it's wrong end.
 He's on the Grim Reaper mold, and you'd think that the skirt and pauldrons would limit his movement... but they don't! The pauldrons hang on a neck piece, so you can just rotate it a bit, play with the angles and voila, you get whatever range you need for his slashes! The skirt is very soft and rests very high on his waist, so he can move them as much as he needs. He is slightly taller than Bucky Cap.
 He's a great villain to have, he looks menacing and evil, and him being slightly taller than the average figure works so well for villain look!

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