Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Action Figure #380: Marvel Legends Last Stand Spider-Man

  That one Spider-Man that appeared that one time in for like 4 panels.

 To be fair, Last Stand Spider-Man would later reappear in the Spider-Verse events, although as Ezekiel Sims rather than Peter, so he is not THAT obscure of a costume.
 This guy looks cool, he does, who'd have known that a red jacket could do so much for Spider-Man? He also has cool gloves, red on the top, black on the bottom. He has two alternate fists in case you want him to punch instead of getting handsy.

 I do like the look. It doesn't look like an average super hero costume, and it makes sense, as this is an older Peter who has lost everything, so this no-nonsense design works for him, and it translated relatively well into action figure form.
 The thing is... the articulation is a bit lackluster. No butterfly joints, and no ab crunch whatsoever. I'm sure they could've easily worked a ball joint or a hinge in the middle of his torso, it's just criminal for a Spider-Man figure not to be able to bend forward, even if he is supposed to be an older version of Peter. Adding to the fact that he's an older Peter, his frame is a bit small, he is as tall as the Bucky Cap mold, mind you, but his shoulders don't strike a very imposing frame.
 The worst part about him is that he has gummy shoulder pegs/large arm sockets, so moving his arms are stressing the pegs. I tried lubing up the hinges on the shoulders, but I think I'll try something different later...
 He's alright. I think I just expect more of Spider-Man figures, y'know? He's an agile, athletic character, so he should be able to be posed in dynamic poses, and this figure just doesn't deliver on that front.

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