Friday, June 14, 2024

Action Figure #349: Marvel Legends Extremis Iron-Man

  That one time when Tony obtained Super Powers.

 Iron Man Extremis is one of my favorite Iron Man stories. I'm surprised it's not a bit more controversial because it gave Tony Stark proper super powers, as he could now connect to electrical devices and his armor turned liquid and hid in the hollow of his bones. But as weird as it sounds, I thought the storyline was very engaging and I liked the changes to Tony.
 This armor suit is one I like a lot despite it going against my 'More yellow = Better Iron Man" mantra. A lot of people were very angry about the mustard and muted red colors they went for the figure.... but I loved them, it reminded me of how they used to paint Iron Man covers, particularly during the Disunited storyline. As for the figure itself, he looks very sleek, this is one of Iron Man's sleekest armors.
 The articulation is identical to Bucky Cap, BUT without the swivel waist and a ball-jointed ab crunch. His shoulder pads can lift themselves up a bit, so his arms don't lose any range. He's a bit taller than Bucky Cap.
 A bit of a simple figure, but he is very accurate to how he used to look, even in the color scheme that many people seemed to dislike so much.

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