Friday, June 14, 2024

Action Figure #333: Marvel Legends Ebony Maw(Thanos Wave)

  He's a balding alien!

 Well, Hasbro only released the Black Order based on their MCU looks rather than their comic book appearances. But looking at them... they are close enough, so I decided I'd get those... but I never completed the set! I'll start off with Ebony Maw then!
 Despite the subdued grey on grey color scheme... I still love how this guy looks! With his elongated, lanky frame he looks so creepy! And, once again, he is so close to his Comic counterpart that he can mingle next to comic book figures.
 Articulation covers all the Marvel Legends basic, with a ball jointed torso and no waist swivel. His robes are soft enough so as not hamper his kicks. He's quite a bit taller than the Bucky Cap mold!
 He's definitely a great villain to have. He is tall and creepy, which makes him just perfect!

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