Thursday, June 13, 2024

Action Figure #307: Marvel Legends Gwen Stacy

  Don't let her near the Green Goblin.

 And no Spider-man themed collection is complete without his second girlfriend, Gwen Stacy, one of the few characters in Marvel who has thankfully stayed dead.... not counting her alternate versions... or her clone. Damnit, Marvel!
 Well, another character that looks ripped straight out of the comic book... of the comic book in which she died. Which, fair enough, it was her most iconic storyline, and one of the most iconic comic books in the story of comic books! There's not a lot of fancy paint work or sculpting done for her, after all, she's just a civilian, but she's a good looking fig. She also comes with an alternate MJ head, which... why? MJ has never worn these clothes, it just looks weird! That said, I liked the paint on this MJ head over the one that Spinneret came with, so this is the mysterious head my Spinnie is wearing!
 Well... she has a skirt, so there's not much that her legs can do. There's a slit on the right side of the skirt to allow for some side movement, but... yeah, there's not much you can do. Good luck getting her to stand, she has heels, not as bad as THE heels, but still, and her feet also aren't very large.
 Well... she's got enough articulation to be posed falling down from a bridge, at least! But yeah, sculpt-wise? Fantastic, articulation-wise? Eh... She only gets a pass because, as a civilian, I really don't expect to be posing her in very actiony ways.

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