Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Action Figure #304: Marvel Legends Psycho-Man

  He is a bit of a psycho.

 I love the fact that Pyscho-Man got an action figure made out of him. He is fairly obscure, but Spidey has faced him a couple of times, and he happens to be the guy that made Sue Storm go evil for a spell.
 But what makes it so shocking, is that he is an obscure character that gets a 100% new sculpt that could only work for him and him alone. And it looks great! He is painted in wite and metallic green, and he has all these tubes around his legs and what not and... he doesn't look cool, he doesn't look menacing, but he sure as hell looks interesting!
 The basic articulation of this figure is close to Bucky Cap, except that on his torso the only articulation that he has is a ball jointed waist. His skirt is made of a rather hard material, so good luck pushing his legs forward, but with a bit of force you could get him to crouch.
 I'm worried that him underselling will scare Hasbro away from doing these unique sculpts for weirdo, obscure characters, because this guy is so much fun to look at!

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