Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Action Figure #285: Marvel Legends Peter Parker(Smythe/Peter Parker 2-Pack)

  I want pictures of Spider-man!

 When I first opened up the box and saw this Peter Parker figure... Man, back when I was a kid, I would've murdered for a figure like this, so incredibly accurate to a show I used to adore!.
 And if that didn't give it away, this guy is brilliant. He looks as if he came straight out of the TV Show, much like Mary Jane herself. The colors, the sculpt, everything, he is THE Peter Parker for my collection, bar none. My only complaint is that he didn't come with fists, so I just grabbed one of my flesh-toned fists and pegged it on him. Now we are talking!
 Well, the articulation is good enough. Maybe because he is just a civilian character, but he was downgraded to old female elbow articulation, meaning... single jointed elbows. It's not awful, but he won't be doing Spidery poses anytime soon. The ab-crunch doesn't have as much range as I would like either, but, for a civilian Peter... it's fair enough.
 I love this figure, they knocked it out of the park. There is room for improvement, for sure, but if they don't make another Peter Parker figure ever again... I wouldn't mind, because I've got this one!

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