Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Action Figure #283: Marvel Legends Cyclops(Ch'od Wave)

 And NOW we are done with Cyke... for now. 

 Alright, alright, no more Cyclops figures! Scott is my boy, what can I say?
 This guy looks badass. He comes with a smoky blaster piece that looks fantastic, he also has a two-fingered alternate hand that is perfect for using his blaster... or directing his team! And the most surprising bit of all? All the gold-lines on his suit? Sculpted! My one complaint would be that the gold paint the chose is a bit too light for liking, I would've liked a stronger hue of gold, or maybe some yellow.
 Built on the Vulcan mod, this guy can articulate as well as him. He's as tall as Bucky Cap.
 Until VHS Cyclops made it into my life, THIS was my Cyclops of choice, because this beefy, heroic build is perfect for him. I love how they took the time to sculpt the details. Since now I mostly display my VHS Cyclops, I liked taking this one out of the box and remembering how cool he was.

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