Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Action Figure #277: Marvel Legends Whirlwind

  Gone with the Wind.

 I have a soft spot for Whirlwind because he was one of Iron Man baddies in his 90's Animated Series and I used to own his very old action figure! He was a fun villain to have around.
 The guy looks super cheesy with his giant winged helmet and the saws on his arms... and I love it for it! The green paint is a bit subdued, I think I would've picked a brighter green, but it works! He's also a bit of a large guy, which I don't know if it's accurate to the character in the comics, but I like the frame he has as a villain.
 He's as articulated as the Bucky Cap mold, while being ever so slightly larger. The ab crunch could've had a bit more range, but it works for him.
 Whirlwind is a really fun figure for me to own, and the added nostalgia for the old figure I used to own only makes me like him more!

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