Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Action Figure #276: Marvel Legends Female Loki(Retro-Carded)

  Loki is a bit complicated.

 Well, our... boy? Loki has sure gone through many forms! At least in this case it makes sense that she's called Loki because she is STILL our Loki.
 The figure looks really nice, I like the yellows and greens they picked for her. She has the same loose kneepads as Rogue and the same cape as Black Panther(Shuri). Instead of sculpting scales on her body, they painted some scales in a lighter shade of green on certain parts of her body to simulate scales, and while it's a bit lazy, it doesn't look bad at all.
 She's got the basic female articulation they tend to use for their adult females, and she can strike a fair amount of poses... although her cape makes it a bit heavy for certain poses and her small feet.
 I like how this Loki figure came out. She looks like a very haughty villainess thanks to the paint scheme and the expression on her face, so I like having her on my displays.

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