Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Action Figure #264: Marvel Legends Enchantress

  Enchanted to meet you.

 Well, I definitely own more Thor figures than I know what to do with them. At least the Enchantress had a big part in Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes!
 The figure looks really good, she has a large looking body, for a female, and the headsculpt shows that she's older than the average hero... or villain. The skirt hangs loose on her hips, but that's for the better so as not to get in the way of her legs. All in all, she looks really good and represents the character well.
 Typical female figure articulation, nothing new to add... except that she's another figure with The Heels, so... good luck getting her to stand up. She's slightly taller than Bucky Cap.
 She's... she's alright, she could've been a bit better without those annoying heels, but still...

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